The truth about number of daily meals. Is an apple a meal?

The common rule – “eat from 4 to 5 meals a day” is certainly even inaudible. Everyone knows, (maybe) remembers and tries to implement it. The majority of professionally active people get the question: “When to eat and how often?” This is a certain organisational limitation when it comes to spreading meals throughout the day. Regularity is very important, but you should not live with a watch in your hand and set yourself a reminder every 3 hours, which will call for food. Everyday life, especially dancers, unfortunately, does not allow it – without a mental loss. It’s about the so-called the gold mean – we do not take breaks between one meal and the other for 6 hours, but also do not eat every hour. Certainly, breaks every 3 to 4 hours are possible. This is important – only regularity will allow for proper digestion and the use of all the nutrients, as well as keeping the figure in check. By providing a certain amount of energy in stabilized intervals, it forces the body to work continuously, thanks to which it does not put off stocks, and sometimes causes them to lose! Referring to the title of the text – apple is also a meal! Everything that brings energy (kcal) and nutrients (carbohydrates, protein or fats) is a meal. For example, milk is also food, not a drink, as many people think. Summing up – the regulation of meal times should become a natural reflex, and the quality and composition of food adapted to individual needs. Between the meals should be included water or deciduous tea (without sugar) or infusions of herbs, such as moisturizing nettle and silencing lime.