There are a number of bothersome ailments that do not allow you to function properly and which are not a disease. They can of course be a symptom or group of symptoms. Today, however, I will focus on fatigue. Certainly many of you have experienced this “phenomenon”; they are not a disease, but they disturb and have the characteristics of body indisposition. How to fight them with food? First of all, pay attention to those ingredients:

  • Omega-3 acid – we often forget about vegetable fats or deliberately avoid them fearing excess weight. Principle: quality and not always real quantity, here too. Fats, especially Omega-3, are needed for nerve conduction and concentration.

Sources: rapeseed oil, linseed oil, pumpkin seed oil, evening primrose oil, black cumin oil, walnut oil, chia seeds, flax seed, sea fish

  • iron – often drowsiness, apathy or dizziness are the result of its deficiency, which may contribute to anemia. This component is necessary for the synthesis of protein that is part of red blood cells and for the production of proteins found in muscles.

Sources: red meat, turkey liver, lentils, amaranth, eggs, sea fish

  • magnesium – is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Caffeine, alcohol, stress and contraceptives have a lowering effect on blood levels. This can be felt through: irritability, problems with concentration, sleep disorders and fatigue

Sources: walnuts, almonds, buckwheat, natural cocoa, sea fish

  • boron – its low level in the body will be visible in memory disorders, limited mental performance and apathy

Sources: macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, carrots, dry legumes, leafy vegetables

  • zinc – participates in the energy conversion process, is a building block of cell membranes

Sources: fish, seafood, pumpkin seeds, pecan nuts, almonds, eggs, amaranth, brassica, wild rice, oyster, mushrooms, shiitake

  • selenium – a deficiency of this element results in low resistance of the body, so susceptibility to infections and to the so-called blame and depression, mood swings, constant feeling of tiredness and drowsiness;

Sources: sea fish, brazil nuts, brown rice, red rice, wholemeal bread, yeast, garlic, onion

  • vitamins of group B – their adequate supply in the daily diet is necessary for maintaining good condition of the nervous system. They increase the ability to remember and concentrate, fight fatigue and improve the body’s resistance.

Sources: high quality cereals (e.g. unroasted buckwheat, oats, spelled, barley), quinoa, leafy green vegetables, beetroot, cauliflower, carrots, dry legumes, yeast, sunflower seeds

  • vitamin C – when it is not enough (and contrary to appearances, it is difficult to “preserve” it, man does not store or produce it, and is very sensitive to factors such as oxygen, light, contact with metal) the body catches infections, sleeps poorly , falls into an apathetic mood, wounds heal less well.

Sources: wild rose, chokeberry, kiwi, blackcurrant, cabbage, brussels, sprouts, broccoli

In addition, the right amount of fluids counts a lot: in winter – warm or minimum at room temperature liquid with the addition of spices is an indispensable element of care for the prevention of fatigue. If you have trouble consuming most liquids, make sure your daily menu includes water-rich vegetables, such as cucumbers, celery, eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes, as well as mushrooms.

These nutrients help fight fatigue that is not a symptom of the disease. If this condition persists longer, it is worth doing all the possible tests to find out why you cannot recover from this condition. Often these are mycoses, yeast infections, bacteria, organ inflammation, but also simply … overworking and not coping with stress.