Do the dancers eat only vegetables?

A common myth concerning the diet of classic dancers, especially of the female sex, is that the whole regime is dictated by a permanent regime. Hardly anyone remembers and is aware of the energy cost of everyday lessons, trainings and performances. Just like everyone who cares about human figure and health, professional dancers sometimes need very little change to achieve a better frame of mind.

The profiles of individuals depend to a large extent on the physiognomy, predispositions of muscle building, and later on lifestyle, including nutrition, length of sleep, time spent on regeneration. Of course, there are very general “restrictions” and recommendations in terms of diet for dancers, but it certainly does not relate to self-sacrifices, restrictions or the use of hunger strips. This is a very wide, difficult and multi-area subject. The priority of the specialist and his patients is / should be to analyze the current nutrition and look for possible modifications, and then task-oriented attempts to implement them. Starting from some changes, through extending them to achieve the goal of finding an individual dietary track, giving the planned effect, satisfaction, knowledge and awareness. So, the first step may be to determine healthy alternatives to commonly used products.

Fruit yogurt vs. natural yoghurt with fresh fruit

In processed yoghurt, besides proteins and beneficial bacteria, sugar, glucose-fructose syrup or sweetener prevails, there is a substitute for fruit and other unnecessary additives in it. The natural taste and the form of yoghurt in combination with, for example, fresh fruit will definitely be a better solution in terms of nutritional value as well as protecting against overweight and digestive problems.

Coca-Cola Vs. water with lemon, mint and ginger

As many as 6 sugar cubes in coca-cola with caffeine vs. naturally stimulating ginger with de-acidifying lemon. Nervous hypersensitivity, electrolyte rinsing, the risk of fast overweight and the desire for more through consumption of coca-cola. Hydration, supplementation of the necessary minerals, refreshment and neutralization thanks to water with additives. What will you choose?

Chocolate bar vs. chocolate bar a bar of dried fruit

Momentary satisfaction, energy supply for a short time and increased risk of overweight and obesity by eating traditional sweets. The “healthier” bar gives an interesting taste experience, its content consists only of dried fruit with natural additives, without additional fat and sugar, as well as potential allergens, nuts or soy and E-additives. Of course, like everywhere – you have to watch out for marketing tricks, but the exact reading of the composition, market research – it will certainly help!

Sugar food vs. stevia

Sugar is an excellent nutrient for the development of fungi and bacteria, without actually bringing in any energy, as commonly believed. Any excess sugar causes the deposition of adipose tissue. At first it concerns body and figure – stomach, thighs and buttocks – leading to obesity. The average Pole in his diet exceeds the permitted daily intake of sugar at least 10 times. Stevia – a sweet taste carrier, about 35 times sweeter than sugar beet and almost no kilocalories, it also reduces hypertension and prevents dangerous type 2 diabetes. Moreover, it has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Traditional salt vs. pink salt

Traditional salt in the process of chemical purification, has been deprived of valuable micronutrients. The human body recognizes it as a “toxin” – it does everything to expel it as soon as possible. In addition, it consumes extremely valuable cell water, resulting in cell death, premature aging, hypertension, formation of edema, cellulite and, above all, renal burden. Pink salt is a crystalline salt, contains 84 ingredients that the body needs to function properly.

White flour vs. wholegrain flour

White flour contains only 20-30% of the nutrients in the pores for pure grains. Consuming products from the so-called There are no nutritional values for light flour, moreover they deal with fat storage. Not to mention that it has addictive properties! Whole grain flour is a source of minerals, vitamins responsible for the efficient functioning of nervous systems.

Ground cotelet vs. vegetable cotelet

Fried, minced meat with additives, the absorbing fat is hard to digest and high-calorie. Alternately – “cotelet” (carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates we recommend it, well-absorbed vegetable protein and vitamins.) It only requires baking, so the source of unnecessary energy flowing from fat to poisonous danger.

Mayonnaise versus. natural yoghurt with herbs and freshly ground pepper

Mayonnaise according to its specificity is high-calorie. If we turn it into a skinny yogurt with herbs and a pepper accelerating metabolism, it will be better for Vegas. In addition, yogurt is lighter, weak, weakened. In this connection, that:

However – as my wonderful friend from the Theater said – a ballet dancer is also a human, so also a classic cake can also. I think the same !!!


On the photo: Aneta Wira – Ostaszyk