Citrus’ vertigo

January is the month when fruit and vegetable on polish market is slightly poor with local products. At the same time, many doubts arise when it is recommended to consume exotic or citrus fruit. Is it worth giving up? Absolutely!

Variety of flavors of citrus fruit scientific equivalents. At the end of November citrus harvests begin in the company of the Meditterean Sea. Those come mainly from Spain and Italy. Transport takes a few days, limbs and fruits make it almost ripe and tasty! In January, there are all citruses, and the season ends until March. Oranges are mainly imported from Spain and Italy. These are those considered better – more juicy and sweeter and more expensive than Italian ones, which have a worse taste and appearance. For example, the best grapefruit variety is Florida, of course from the United States. Other popular varieties are grown in Spain.

Why it is good to eat? Orange – rich in the vitamins B (colloquially and dietary fiber). Due to the fact that thanks to this, they prevent constipation, IBS (irritate bowel syndrome), reduce toxins in the digestive system. Lime– contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B6 (responsible for good condition of nervous system), phosphorus, potassium, fiber, magnesium, calcium and folic acid. In the past, sailors always took limes with them, for prevent scurvy – a dangerous disease of the gums.

Lemon – a good source of beta-carotene, vitamins B, E (vitamin of youth and fertility), C, potassium, magnesium, iron and sodium. They helps in cleansing the body – the ancient lemon juice to fight with many poisons. In addition, this citrus fruit relieves the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism, also reflux. Grapefruit has thousands of antioxidants fighting against the aging process of the body, reduce kidney stones, they are also anti-cancer and present in it – the substance responsible for the bitter taste of the grapefruit, regulates the cholesterol concentration, reducing blood levels. Pomelo – contains a lot of fiber which recommends strong digestion. Sometimes choose only a few pieces, by the feeling of satiety.

Pomelo – contains a lot of fiber, which effectively speeds up the digestion processes. Sometimes it’s enough to eat only a few pieces to make you feel full. I recommend it before the meal – the enzymes will help your bowels to make them more efficient for absorbtion. Thanks to pomelo, also the absorption of carbohydrates is slowed down, and toxic products of metabolism are released more slowly.

Who should avoid citrus?

  • people with allergy or intolerance with them
  • people with reflux, duodenal and stomach ulcers , hyperacidity, IBS
  • suffering from heartburn
  • people who have got an unconditional act about vomiting if they smeel this kind of plants (it means also some type of intolerance)

How protect loosing their properties?  

Before peeling thoroughly rinse under running water or even drench in vinegar – this way you will get rid of the remains of the funds that have been used during transport. Then, don’t peel them with albedo – a white skin, there is a very valuable of fiber. Although this is not the most delicious skin, it is very beneficial for intestinal health. It ceates also the specicfic kind of good bacteria. In addition, if you can try to peel with your fingers, don’t use a metal knife – this contact also destroys vitamins and minerals. Citrus fruits should be eating raw. Like most plants, then they have the most properties.

What else?

Despite of the fact that citrus is not characterized by a high content of simple sugars, in the balance of the whole day, eat just two servings (180-250 g). It is also best to combine them with a handful of nuts – then the pancreas produces an insulin slower , which is the prevention of type 2 diabetes. If you are taking medicines for hypertension or painkillers, never combine them with citrus. They weaken or strengthen their action – depending on what the drugs are.

So, the conclusion is… eat the citruses even 5 times per week for maintain the body well-balanced and prevent some diseases and increase the intake if you want to fight with particular, concret symptoms. If you don’t know what and how to do – write me!